1975 |
- Formation of the Indian National Slum Dwellers Federation (NSDF)
1979 |
- Catholic Welfare and Development (CWD) is born in Cape Town, South Africa
1980s |
- Resistance to apartheid intensifies
1988 |
- Father Jorge Anzorena, who documents poor people’s movements on land and shelter in Asia, visits South Africa
- Through Father Jorge CWD sends South African community leaders and activists to participate in the Asian People’s Dialogue on land and shelter
1991 |
- CWD calls a South African People’s Dialogue on land and shelter in Broederstroom where 150 informal settlement leaders come together and agree to start a national grassroots network
- A South African delegation visits India during a first learning exchange
1992 |
- After exposure to Asian NGOs the first South African support NGO is founded: People’s Dialogue on Land and Shelter
1993 |
- South African poor communities begin organising and reach more than 50 housing savings schemes across the country
1994 |
- The savings schemes are collectively launched as the South African Homeless People’s Federation (SAHPF)
- Housing Minister Joe Slovo pledges R10million to the Federation process. The Federation starts uTshani Fund, a revolving fund that loans pledge money to members to build their own houses in the absence of a not yet instituted national housing subsidy program
- First democratic elections
- Subsidised housing features as a key component of the national Reconstruction and Development Programme (RDP)
1995 |
- Through pledge and donor funding uTshani Fund begins operating
1996 |
- South African and Indian federations spearhead the launch of Shack Dwellers International (SDI), made up initially of 9 federations in Asia and Africa
- South African constitution is formed
1997 |
- SAHPF receives the UN Habitat Scroll of Honour
- uTshani Fund concludes a legal agreement with the National Department of Housing and pledges 5,660 upfront housing subsidies for the period 1996 – 2001
- The Housing Act aligns the National Housing Policy with the Constitution of South Africa
1998 |
- SAHPF and uTshani Fund build house number 10,000 (in the span of just 3 years)
1999-2001 |
- Due to slow release of housing subsidies by provinces, uTshani Fund is forced to curtail operations and suspends new developments
1999 | |
2000 |
- The organisation now known as CORC was founded as a research and documentation arm to the Federation, coordinating thematic forums and engaging government around burning issues
2001-2005 |
- uTshani Fund develops a new set of products based on pre-approval of housing subsidies
2002 |
- The organisation is registered as the Community Organisation Urban Resource Centre. COURC shifts organisational direction and becomes a resource for any community willing and able to help itself
- People’s Dialogue remains primary support organisation to the SAHPF
- The Federation enters into pilot projects with Cities Alliance (Durban, Manila, Mumbai)
2002-2008 |
- COURC primarily supports the Coalition of the Urban Poor (CUP), the Alliance of Rural Communities (ARC) and the waste pickers network.
2004 |
- National Elections
- Breaking New Ground (BNG) is introduced as a new housing policy with a focus developing sustainable human settlements
- The Upgrading Informal Settlements Programme (UISP) is introduced
2005-2006 |
- There is a split in the South African Homeless People’s Federation (SAHPF) and the Federation of the Urban and Rural Poor (FEDUP) is founded
2006 |
- Housing Minister Lindiwe Sisulu recognises the role of uTshani Fund in “Breaking New Ground” housing policy and signs a MoU binding Provincial MECs to pledge 1,000 subsidies per Province per annum to FEDUP
2007 |
- National and Provincial Joint Working Groups bring together Federation leaders and human settlement officials to facilitate more people-centred housing delivery
- Minister Sisulu visits India and Thailand with FEDUP. She agrees to chair the Urban Poor Fund International (SDI finance facility)
2007-2008 |
- People’s Dialogue closes down following the Federation split in 2006 and FEDUP sets up Udondolo Trust, which becomes an interim support entity
2008-2009 |
- FEDUP signs contracts with several municipalities for housing delivery
2008 |
- COURC changes its name to Community Organisation Resource Centre (CORC)
- FEDUP and CORC reconnect, using the CUP model as a basis for forming the Informal Settlement Network (ISN)
- The Informal Settlement Network (ISN) is supported by CORC, bringing different CBOs together (including FEDUP) to hold community dialogues and forums between communities and government representatives, discussing informal settlement upgrading
- In the Western Cape CBOs participating in the ISN include: the Alliance of Rural Communities (ARC), Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC), the Poor People’s Movement (PPM) and the waste pickers network
2008-2012 |
- FEDUP and ISN profile and enumerate informal settlements in five cities in South Africa
2009 |
- The City of Cape Town, FEDUP and ISN sign agreement to conduct 11 in situ upgrading projects together
2009 |
- National Elections
- National Housing Code is revised
- The National Upgrading Support Programme (NUSP) is established
2009-2012 |
- ISN implements first informal settlement upgrading and reblocking projects (Joe Slovo, Lwazi Park, and Sheffield Road in Cape Town; Ruimsig in Johannesburg)
2010 |
- ISN expands to informal settlements in the major cities of SA
- ISN (Patrick Hunsley) advises National Minister of Human Settlements
2010 |
- Outcome 8 of the Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) sets targets for informal settlement upgrading
2011 |
- Udondolo Trust closes and CORC narrows its support, focusing on FEDUP and ISN only. The name SA SDI Alliance emerges.
- The SA SDI Alliance strategically shifts towards informal settlement upgrading
- The Alliance establishes the Community Upgrading Finance Facility (CUFF)
- The Alliance establishes the first locally based ‘Urban Poor Fund’ as an outcome of the MoU signed with Stellenbosch Municipality
2011 |
- The National Development Plan is published with Chapter 8 setting an objective of upgrading all informal settlements on suitable well located land by 2030
2012 |
- Alliance signs MoU with City of Cape Town
- ISN and the City of Cape Town embark on 22 upgrading and subdivision projects across the City
- The Poor People’s Movement (PPM) closes and PPM members join FEDUP
2012-2014 |
- Alliance conducts marches in the City of Joburg and eThekwini Municipality in response to evictions
- CUFF informal settlement upgrading projects are implemented country wide
2013 |
- Mtshini Wam becomes the first informal settlement in the Alliance to be upgraded in situ through reblocking, in partnerships with a municipality
- Metro-level people’s led finance facility is established in Cape Town through Comic Relief funding
2014 |
- Flamingo Crescent informal settlement is reblocked
- Founding member of FEDUP, Patrick Magebhula Hunsley passes away
- Cape Town NGOs form a Community of Practice on informal settlement upgrading
2014 |
- National Elections
- MTEF targets for informal settlement upgrading are renewed
2015 |
- Federation Income Generation Programme is launched (FIGP)
- The South African Federation Funeral Scheme is launched (SAFFS)
- MoU with Stellenbosch Municipality expires
2015 |
- The UN General Assembly sets the Sustainble Development Goals (SDGs
2016 |
- The Alliance conducts rapid appraisal (RAP) / informal settlement profiling of 106 settlements in Western Cape Province. This data informs the provincial Informal Settlement Support Framework (ISSF) and Programme (ISSP)
- The Alliance enumerated approx. 18 000 households along the N2 free way in Cape Town, demonstrating the power of community data
- Alliance hosts Somsook Boonyabancha, Director of the Asian Coalition for Housing Rights (ACHR) in a seminar of city-level funds for informal settlement upgrading
2016 |
- Pretoria Declaration on Informal Settlements released by UN Habitat
- New Urban Agenda released at Habitat III conference
2017 |
- Alliance launches the Know Your City Campaign on Community Led Data at Digital Impact Tour with 150+ attendees including the National Minister of Human Settlements
- Alliance engagements with Vusi Ntsuntsha housing project restart
- MoA with eThekwini Municipality around community led data collection in informal settlements feeding into City’s resilience strategy
2018 |
- Alliance and Cape Town based NGOs support municipalities to prepare for community led upgrading through the Informal Settlements Support Programme (ISSP)
- FEDUP participates in Working for Water Porgram by the National Department of Environmental Affairs
2019 |
- SA SDI Alliance Youth craft a draft guiding document
- Alliance forum on community-led data collection for informal settlement upgrading
2019 | |