By Max Rambau, CORC
On Saturday, 9th April 2011, I went to visit the area where the Bapsfontein families were relocated to in Zenzele (about ten kilometres from Bapsfontein).
I spoke to some families to find out how they were settling down in their new area. They told me that the place they were in was fine because they’ve got water and VIP toilets in one section of the area.
Those families who were in the other section told me that they had problems with people from the nearby township who did not want them around. These people overturned the VIP toilets and poured the contents into water tanks.
I promised that I would report this to the municipality.
Most people had lost their jobs and life was very tough for them as they have to spend a lot of money on transport.
I spoke to the local leadership and asked them to arrange next week’s meeting.